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1 month ago
Primal Wonders

My dear ones, Iva has made a new video for us! It's a song for her first garden. 😊🥰

*Please share video because algorythm is awful for non-commercial posts.

#primaldrum #tonguedrum #steeldrum #handpan #relaxingmusic #garden

Brand24 kaze da su ovo trenutno najjaci tagovi pa da probam 😂🤭😎

#beauty #fashion #love #instagood #beautiful #style #photooftheday #makeup #instagram #photography #model #lifestyle #travel #art #nature #follow

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@followers Facebook je maksimalno smanjio doseg objava koje nisu komercijalne. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. 🙏🎶💚

What the coinsidence! Today is the first day this season when I dig my nails into my terrace-garden 😅 Not the first one but it feels as the first because this year I learned why my tomatoes were growing so slowly for the last two seasons, so this time I am improving! 😆👍

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1 month ago
Primal Wonders

New video about meditation pyramids and why it can help you in your meditation.

Novi video na temu piramide za meditaciju, kako moze pomoci svima koji imaju poteskoca s meditiranjem ili tesko umiruju misli, kako funkcionira, zatim o znanstvenim istrazivanjima na tu temu, zlatnom rezu itd.

#meditation #meditationpyramid #pyramidmeditation #pyramids #gizapyramids #sacredgeometry

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4 months ago
Primal Wonders

Recharging myself in nature. No words necessary.

Punim se u prirodi. Rijeci nisu potrebne.

#primalwonders #nature #river #green #soulfilling #meditation #relaxation #recharging

Recharging myself in nature. No words necessary.

Punim se u prirodi. Rijeci nisu potrebne.

#primalwonders #nature #river #green #soulfilling #meditation #relaxation #rechargingImage attachment
5 months ago
Primal Wonders

Improvisation of Croatian traditional folk song from Međimurje county ''Vuprem oči'' combined with Primal drum. Singing & playing by my lovely fairy-friend Iva Pintarec.

I just couldn' wait for a new snow to fall again this winter (yes, right) so I publish it now, maybe you'll feel some winter breeze. 🌬️

Thank you, Iva Avi ✨

#vupremoci #vupremoči #primaldrum #primalwonders #folklor #narodnamuzika #tradicionalnamuzika #međimurje #steeldrum #tonguedrum #handpan #hrvatskatradicija #croatia #croatianfolklore #folkmusic

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Tekst pjesme: Vuprem oči vu to nebo visoko, Tam ja vidim svetle zvezde igrajo. Če mi bole svetle zvezde igrajo, Bole moje mlado srce kalajo. Mene majka saki denek karala, Kaj nej k letu malo dete čuvala. Nikaj zato ako bi je čuvala, Bole bi se za ljubav zmišljuvala.

@followers Dragi pratitelji, Facebook je poprilicno umanjio doseg NEplacenih objava pa da isprobam ovaj novi, besplatan nacin taggiranja. Hvala vam svima, bez vas ova stranica ne postoji! 🙏🎶

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9 months ago
Primal Wonders

Iva, divna Šumska vila ... i nježni zvuci Primal druma što šumom se šire, uz jesenje lišće što ššššumi. 😊🤗🌳🌳🌳
Hvala ti! 🙏💚

Iva, a wonderful forest fairy ... and the gentle sounds of Primal drum spreading through the forest, with autumn leaves russsstling. 😊🤗🌳🌳🌳
Thank you! 🙏💚

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Vila u videu: Iva Avi

U čaroliji si jutros... Predivna vila i zvuci. ❤️

Predivno! ❤️

Hvala Tomi na podsjetniku za ovo divno jutro dok su ručice svirale, a srce se stapalo s okolinom. Tad je u jednom momentu dosel jedan gospon i rekel je da ga je scena i zvuk dojmilo da si je moral poslikati. Ovaj mi je instrument uvijek tak lijepe trenutke povezivanja s drugima donesel 🥰

Prekrasno! 💚

Jako lijep moment 🫶🏻

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10 months ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below] Ako ste aktivni učitelj yoge, terapeut ili healer, pošaljite mi poruku u Inbox ili odite na moju web stranicu i pronađite moje ostale kontakt podatke.

Pozivam vas da nadogradite svoj rad s jednim sjajnim novim alatom - Primal drumom. Glavni razlozi zašto je ovo sjajna ideja:

1. Bit će vam lako naučiti i zatim svirati Primal drum za svoje klijente.
2. Naučit ću vas sve što trebate znati o sviranju Primal druma na vašim događanjima, bez obzira hoćete li ga koristiti za privatne sesije ili grupe.
3. Dobit ćete više pažnje od svojih potencijalnih novih klijenata kad ćete svirati Primal drum.
4. Uložit ćete izravno u povećanje svoje zarade i ulaganje će vam se u kratkom vremenu isplatiti.
5. Od mene ćete dobiti najbolju moguću ponudu, s obzirom na cijenu i uvjete kupnje.

Ako imate još kakvih pitanja, javite mi!


10.10. - what a great date for publishing my call! If you're an active yoga teacher, therapist or healer, send me DM to my Inbox or go to my webpage and find my other contact info.

I'm calling you 2 upgrade your work with one great new tool - Primal drum. Top reasons why this is a great idea:

1. It will be easy for you to learn and play Primal drum for your clients.
2. I will teach you all you need to know about playing Primal drum on your events, no matter if you'll use it for private sessions or groups.
3. You will get more attention from your potentionally new clients if you play Primal drum.
4. You will invest directly into upgrading your earnings and your investment will pay off to you in short time.
5. You will get the best possible deal from me, concidering the price and terms of buying.

If you have any other question, please let me know!


#primaldrum #yogateacher #healer #therapist #jogaucitelj #terapeut #yogastudio #yoganidra #joganidra #yogi #yogini #yogalife #yogahrvatska #jogasrbija #yogabosna #jogacrnagora #yogaslovenia #yogacroatia #primalwonders #soundbath

[EN below] Ako ste aktivni učitelj yoge, terapeut ili healer, pošaljite mi poruku u Inbox ili odite na moju web stranicu i pronađite moje ostale kontakt podatke.

Pozivam vas da nadogradite svoj rad s jednim sjajnim novim alatom - Primal drumom. Glavni razlozi zašto je ovo sjajna ideja:

1. Bit će vam lako naučiti i zatim svirati Primal drum za svoje klijente.
2. Naučit ću vas sve što trebate znati o sviranju Primal druma na vašim događanjima, bez obzira hoćete li ga koristiti za privatne sesije ili grupe.
3. Dobit ćete više pažnje od svojih potencijalnih novih klijenata kad ćete svirati Primal drum.
4. Uložit ćete izravno u povećanje svoje zarade i ulaganje će vam se u kratkom vremenu isplatiti.
5. Od mene ćete dobiti najbolju moguću ponudu, s obzirom na cijenu i uvjete kupnje.

Ako imate još kakvih pitanja, javite mi!


10.10. - what a great date for publishing my call! If youre an active yoga teacher, therapist or healer, send me DM to my Inbox or go to my webpage and find my other contact info. 

Im calling you 2 upgrade your work with one great new tool - Primal drum. Top reasons why this is a great idea: 

1. It will be easy for you to learn and play Primal drum for your clients.
2. I will teach you all you need to know about playing Primal drum on your events, no matter if youll use it for private sessions or groups.
3. You will get more attention from your potentionally new clients if you play Primal drum.
4. You will invest directly into upgrading your earnings and your investment will pay off to you in short time.
5. You will get the best possible deal from me, concidering the price and terms of buying.

If you have any other question, please let me know! 


#primaldrum #yogateacher #healer #therapist #jogaucitelj #terapeut #yogastudio #yoganidra #joganidra #yogi #yogini #yogalife #yogahrvatska #jogasrbija #yogabosna #jogacrnagora #yogaslovenia #yogacroatia #primalwonders #soundbathImage attachment
10 months ago
Primal Wonders

Don't be scared of becoming a Primal drum player and never get married! We got you covered, just watch video till end! 🤭😆😁

Get your Primal drum now! Visit or just send DM.

IMPORTANT: Primal drum is an intuitive music instrument, so you don't need to be a musician to play it and enjoy it.

#funny #primalwonders #primaldrum #steeldrum #handpan #drummerlife #drummer #handpanplayer #married #justforfun #oldmovies #blackandwhitemovies #vintagemovies

11 months ago
Primal Wonders

*Wicked game + Primal drum*

Hi guys! How are you? I didn't publish a thing for a while so here I am now to change that! 😆

I have to share this beautiful piece of heart-melting music, completely made by young & talented Emina from Tuzla (BiH). Wicked game cover with:
acoustic guitar, Turkish ney, Primal drum (yeiii), her voice, bass, piano, indian flute, shower head (a.k.a. rain).

You can follow Emina on Instagram for more music and inspiration! Her profile is

Thank you Emina once again for playing Primal drum in your beautiful musical creations! 🙏

#primaldrum #primalwonders #wickedgame #ney #turkishney #indianflute #creativemusic #acousticguitar #piano #bass #heartmelting #tonguedrum #handpan #steeldrums #steeldrum

1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Davor from Slovenia sent me a video of him playing his Primal drum C major, tuned in 432 Hz frequency. 🎶✨

Many thanks to you, Davor!

Find more info about Primal drum on

* Hvala ti, Davore, za video! 🙏

#primalwonders #primaldrum #tonguedrum #steeldrum #steelpan #handpan #hang #hangdrum #432hz #432hzmusic #healingmusic #healingfrequencies #slovenia #slovenija

1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Buzet, Istria. No words needed. 💚

[HR] Buzet, Istra. Riječi nisu potrebne. 💚

#buzet #istra #istria #istriacroatia #croatia #croatiannature #greenscenery #panoramicview #viewpoint #pinguente #mirna #fontana #rivermirna #relaksacija #meditacija #primalwonders

1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Is your 💚 OK?

Je li vase 💚 OK?

#primalwonders #importantquestions #spaceutopian #isyourheartokey #zagrebcroatia #streetmessage

Is your 💚 OK?

Je li vase 💚 OK?

#primalwonders #importantquestions #spaceutopian #isyourheartokey #zagrebcroatia #streetmessageImage attachment
1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Forest therapy. Forest bathing.
#primalwonders #forest #foresttherapy #forestbathing #forestlovers #shinrinyoku #primaljoy #medvednica #sljeme #mountain #medvednicamountain #intothewoods #naturesounds #birdssinging #beautifulcroatia #croatiafullofnature

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A di je Bruna?



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1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Angel Oak is a Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) located in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina. The tree is estimated to be 400–500 years old. It stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). Its longest branch distance is 187 ft (57 m) in length.

Angel Oak is a Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) located in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina. The tree is estimated to be 400–500 years old. It stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). Its longest branch distance is 187 ft (57 m) in length.
1 years ago
Primal Wonders


1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Sretan vam i čudesan dolazak Proljeća! 🌞 🤗

#primalwonders #spring #lakebled #blejskojezero #slovenija

Sretan vam i čudesan dolazak Proljeća! 🌞 🤗

#primalwonders #spring #lakebled #blejskojezero #slovenijaImage attachmentImage attachment

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Odi i do Bohinja kada si vec tu☺️

Ooooo koja uživancija 😍


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1 years ago
Primal Wonders

Is it hard to play Primal drum? Well, if I can play it reversed like this, then you should know the answer. 😉

[HR]: Je li tesko svirati Primal drum? Ako ga ja mogu svirati ovako naopacke, onda znate odgovor. 😉

#primaldrum #primalwonders #steeldrum #tonguedrum #handpan #howtoplay #alwayshavefun #doityourway #meditation #improv

1 years ago
Primal Wonders

The repetitive patterns and rhythms of Primal drum can help to improve focus and concentration, making it a great tool for mindfulness and meditation. The act of playing it requires focused attention, which can help to sharpen the mind and improve cognitive function.
* Filmed with smartphone.

Ponavljajuće paterne i ritmovi Primal druma mogu pomoći u poboljšanju fokusa i koncentracije, što Primal drum čini izvrsnim alatom za mindfulness i meditaciju. Čin sviranja zahtijeva usredotočenu pažnju, što može pomoći u izoštravanju uma i poboljšanju kognitivnih funkcija.
* Snimljeno sa smartphone-om.

#primaldrum #primalwonders #meditation #selfwork #selfimprovement #musictherapy #meditacija #relaksacija #stressrelief

1 years ago
Primal Wonders

“Be uniquely you. Stand out. Shine. Be colorful. The world needs your prismatic soul!”
~Amy Leigh Mercree

“Budi jedinstven/a ti. Ističi se. Sjaji. Budi šaren/a. Svijet treba tvoju prizmatičnu dušu!”
~Amy Leigh Mercree

#primaldrum #primalwonders #colors #becolorful #beunique #standout #prismatic #prismaticsoul #quotes #amyleighmercree #handpan #steeldrum #musicmaking #medvednica

“Be uniquely you. Stand out. Shine. Be colorful. The world needs your prismatic soul!” 
~Amy Leigh Mercree 

“Budi jedinstven/a ti. Ističi se. Sjaji. Budi šaren/a. Svijet treba tvoju prizmatičnu dušu!” 
~Amy Leigh Mercree 

#primaldrum #primalwonders #colors #becolorful #beunique #standout #prismatic #prismaticsoul #quotes #amyleighmercree #handpan #steeldrum #musicmaking #medvednica
2 years ago
Primal Wonders

I wasn't in the mood for posting on social networks for past few weeks. I was feeling pretty introverted and I still do. Still, I love this play with sun light and how sun light makes everything alive, so I wanted to share this with you.

[HR]: Proteklih tjedana nisam bio u raspolozenju objavljivanja na drustvenim mrezama. Osjecao sam se prilicno introvertno i jos uvijek se osjecam. Volim ovu igru sunceve svjetlosti i kako ona cini sve zivim pa sam pozelio podijeliti to s vama.

#primalwonders #sunrays #playwithsun #wintersun #sunshine #sunthroughglass

I wasnt in the mood for posting on social networks for past few weeks. I was feeling pretty introverted and I still do. Still, I love this play with sun light and how sun light makes everything alive, so I wanted to share this with you. 

[HR]: Proteklih tjedana nisam bio u raspolozenju objavljivanja na drustvenim mrezama. Osjecao sam se prilicno introvertno i jos uvijek se osjecam. Volim ovu igru sunceve svjetlosti i kako ona cini sve zivim pa sam pozelio podijeliti to s vama.

#primalwonders #sunrays #playwithsun #wintersun #sunshine #sunthroughglassImage attachment
2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below]:
Sretan Bozic, dragi moji! Neka sva iskonska cuda unutar i izvan nas budu blagoslovljena i podrzana! 🙏♥️

Merry Christmas, my dear ones! May all the primal wonders inside and outside of us be blessed and supported! 🙏♥️

#primalwonders #blessings #christmas2022 #christmaswishes #love #openheart #treeoflife #bozic #sretanbozic #drvozivota #cuda #blagoslov

2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below] Obožavate li i vi dugačke meditacijske šetnje prirodom (i to u vrijeme finala svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva 😆)? Napokon, bio je čudesan sunčan dan ovu nedjelju!
Zahvalan! 🙏

Do you also adore long meditative walks in nature (while there was a football World Cup finals on TV 😆)? Finally, it was a wonderful SUNNY day this Sunday!
Grateful! 🙏

#primalwonders #meditating #meditationwalk #beautifulsunnyday
#maksimir #maksimirlake #maksimirpark #wintersunshine #gratefulness #coldsunnyday #naturelove #meditativewalk #meditateinnature #worldcupfinal

[EN below] Obožavate li i vi dugačke meditacijske šetnje prirodom (i to u vrijeme finala svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva 😆)? Napokon, bio je čudesan sunčan dan ovu nedjelju! 
Zahvalan! 🙏

Do you also adore long meditative walks in nature (while there was a football World Cup finals on TV 😆)? Finally, it was a wonderful SUNNY day this Sunday! 
Grateful! 🙏 

#primalwonders #meditating #meditationwalk #beautifulsunnyday
#maksimir #maksimirlake #maksimirpark #wintersunshine #gratefulness #coldsunnyday #naturelove #meditativewalk #meditateinnature #worldcupfinal

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Facebook sve vise blokira ovakve stranica jer nisu komercijalne prirode pa sve pozivam da postavite moju stranicu medu Favorite. Ovdje je prikazan prvi korak, a iduca dva su u komentarima. Hvala svima na potpori! <3

Drugi korak

Treci (zadnji) korak 😀 Hvalalala!

Opć samo za vrijeme nogometa 🙂

I kod nas isto u nedelju jedini mi bili na beogradskom jezeru u vreme utakmice. Milina...❤️

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2 years ago
Primal Wonders


2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below]
Neka ovaj Božić bude drugačiji! 😁 🤩

Let this Christmas be different! 😁 🤩

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Facebook blokira ovakve stranica jer nisu komercijalne prirode pa sve pozivam da postavite moju stranicu medu Favorite. Ovdje je prikazan prvi korak, a iduca dva su u komentarima. Hvala svima na potpori! <3

Drugi korak

Treci, zadnji korak. Hvala! 😀

O, volela bih da mi bude Božićni poklon! 🌲🌟 Univerzume, da ne bude da nisam rekla ... 😄

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2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below] Tadaaa! 😊 Počeo sam prikupljati svoje videe s raznih hard diskova i objavljivati ih na svom YouTube kanalu Primal Wonders. Ovaj video mi je jako drag zato jer je nastao svirajući Primal drum okomito, a ne vodoravno (možete isprobati, jako zanimljivo iskustvo). 😁

** Pogledajte i pretplatite se (subscribe). 🙏 🤗

Tadaaa! 😊 I started collecting my videos from various hard discs and posting them to my Primal Wonders YouTube channel. I really like this video because it was created by playing the Primal drum vertically and not horizontally (you can try it, it's very interesting experience). 😁

** Watch and subscribe. 🙏 🤗

#primaldrum #primalwonders #youtubechannel #ledlights #nightplay

Video image

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2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below]
***Ako razmišljate o kupnji Primal druma, nadam se da će ovaj video demistificirati kako se na njemu stvaraju zvukovi.***

Primal drum je vrlo intuitivan glazbeni instrument i stvarno ga možete svirati samo po svom osjećaju... no ako želite poboljšati svoje vještine sviranja i svirati ga na više svjestan način, onda je ovo sjajan video za početak.

Ako već posjedujete Primal drum, savjetujem vam da pokušate svirati note dok gledate video.

Napomena: ovaj video sam napravio za Primal drum C-dur i C-dur 432 Hz ljestvicu. Ako svirate Primal drum D-Wonders ljestvicu, tada se vaša ljestvica razlikuje. Svejedno, metoda sviranja ljestvice po drumu ostaje ista!

***If you are thinking about buying Primal drum, then I hope this video will demystify how sounds are being created on this musical instrument.***

Primal drum is very intuitive musical instrument and you can really play it just by your feeling. But if you want to improve your playing skills and play it in a more conscious manner, then this is a great video to start with.

If you already own Primal drum, I advise you to try playing notes while watching video.

Note: I made this tutorial for Primal drum C-major and C-major 432 Hz scale. If you play Primal drum D-Wonders scale, then your scale differs. Yet, the method of playing the scale across the drum stays the same!

#primaldrum #primalwonders #howtoplay #notes #createmusic #creatingmusic #musictutorial #musictutorials #intuitivemusic #musicscales

2 years ago
Primal Wonders

S nedjeljne radionice meditacijskog slikanja mandale Cvijeta života, u organizaciji Tamare Grdić. Hvala na pozivu! <3 ...

2 years ago
Primal Wonders

Komadić divne atmosfere od nedjelje, s eventa yoga nidra meditacije+zvučne kupke, u organizaciji učiteljice yoge Viktorija Valdec, gdje sam u pozadini svirao Primal drum, a zvukoterapeut @sanja sanja je ponaosob radila s tibetanskom zvučnom zdjelom. ✨

Dio koji je snimljen je dio kada se naši dragi ljudići polako vraćaju iz stanja duboke opuštenosti, u ovo tijelo, u fizičku stvarnost.

Hvala ti Viktorija još jednom na pozivu i odličnoj organizaciji i nadam se da surađujemo opet! 😊 🙏 💚

#yoganidra #soundbath #primaldrum #primalwonders #meditation #yoga #relaxation #soundbowls #croatiafullofmagic

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Ne prolaze iz nekog razloga tagovi u objavi pa evo ih ovdje: Viktorija Valdec @Sanja Sanja <3

Bilo je uistinu predivno......

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2 years ago
Primal Wonders

[EN below] Ne mogu zapravo riječima dovoljno izraziti svoju zahvalnost i zadovoljstvo koje sam osjetio u svom srcu nakon što sam vidio i čuo Eminu kako svira svoj Primal drum u ovom reel-u. 🙏 😊 💚

[EN]: I can't even express my gratitude enough, and joy too, that I felt in my heart after I saw and heard Emina playing her Primal drum like this in this reel. 🙏 😊 💚

#primaldrum #primalwonders
#handpan #steeldrum #tonguedrum #handpanplayer #relaxingmusic #flute #inspiringmusic #heartisfull

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Jeste li spremni pronaći svoje čudo?

“Granice NE postoje. Postoje platoi, ali vi ne smijete ostati na njima, morate ih nadići. Čovjek mora stalno nadilaziti svoju razinu.“

Bruce Lee